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Who We Are
The Pashtun Cultural Institute, was founded in 1998 as a non-profit, educational organization, it intends to be the leading institution in the US dedicated to foresting connections between Americans and Asians. Through art exhibitions, workshops, conferences, lectures, films, performances and publications, the institute provides information, that go beyond the headlines, and the sound bites of the day, offering fresh perspectives on the forces and issues that are shaping Asia’s relations, with the United States and the rest of the World, and presently it is head quartered in New York. It has provided the above services for many years, and; it is reaching out to over 100,000 individuals annually through its programs

Vision & Mission

Our Mission
The institute aims at promoting the Arts, Culture, History of the Pashtun Community in Europe, Middle East, US and Pakistan, it will act as a bridge to assist in educating the general American population, on understanding the cultural heritage of the Pashtuns.
Our Vision
To promote the history of the Pashtuns, support programs for educational healthcare and raise awareness on social life styles changes in the Global Space. Create new programs that will raise awareness in improving life styles, and create plans for assisting in Job creation and support networking.
Life Style
The Pashtun have been regarded as a Marshall Race, PCI along with our associates and partners will organize awareness programs that will highlight the softer image of the Pashtuns in the world.
  1. To deliver high quality programs that provides an in-depth picture of the diversified Pashtun Culture to the Asian and American audience, unfamiliar with the country’s rich Cultural Heritage.
  2. To reach a diverse To facilitate an integrated appreciation of the Pashtun culture through diverse programs ranging from vocal music, to the visual arts of film, international conference, symposium’s, to identify the ongoing changes in the Pashtun society.
  3. To reach a diverse audience – including the Pakistani community, South Asian Community and Americans of all ages – through a major audience outreach Campaign based on the programs that deepen their understanding of a diversified Pashtun Culture.
  4. Reach out the international community on current issues.
  5. Engage the Academia.
  6. Mobilize the think tanks, and policy-makers on the current and historical issues.
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